Saturday, June 9, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap, easy and affordalbe.

I have made homemade laundry soap once or twice before when I cloth diapered, but with going back to work and moving, I just became lazy and stopped. 
Well, I'm back to trying to cut back on cost of stuff, and Laundry soap is crazy expensive.  For approximately $11 I made a 5 gallon bucket of laundry soap and according to the Duggars it can make about 180 loads of laundry.    That makes it about 6 cents a load for the soap. 

SO without further ado, here is the Duggar recipe that I used, and my pictures.  Enjoy.

First, you will want A pot to melt the bar soap in, a grater, Borax, Washing Baking Soda, and Fels-Naptha bar soap.  And of course a 5 gallon bucket.  They sell them at walmart and most hardware stores.

 Next you want to grate your bar of soap into a sauce pan.
 Then add 4 cups of hot water to it.  It smells so good.
 Next turn the burner on and stir until melted.  It doesn't take to long.
 Fill your bucket up 1/2 way with hot water.
 Then Add your melted soap to the bucket.
 Add 1 cup of Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda.
 Also add 1/2 cup of Borax
 Stir until the powder dissolves
 Fill your bucket up the rest of the way with hot water, stir it and you are done. 
Let it sit over night, to set and then use.
 To make my laundry smell yummy I put 15 drops of lavender oil and 15 drops of Tea Tree Oil in the bucket.
To make life easier, get an empty container that you can put your soap in that is smaller.  For example an old liquid laundry soap jug, or anything works.  Fill it 1/2 with water and 1/2 with the soap you made and shake before you use.

This recipe will make 10 gallons in all of laundry detergent and about 180 loads. 

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