Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Greatest Savings EVER...

Before my kids game today I ran to safeway.  I wanted to get in on the Ken's salad dressing deal.  I was nervous that I wouldn't have a good option because sometimes they don't have ranch or the ones I like.  And I really didn't have the desire to price match at walmart today.

So, I bought 10 bottles of Ken's salad dressing.  They are on  sale until Monday for 99 cents each.  No coupon or limit for that bargain.    I previously printed 5 coupons(I can't find the 6th) from 3 different computers for this.    The coupon is $1 off the purchase of 2 Kens salad dressing. 
The cashier rang up the dressing.  Normal price was $4.69 each.   WIth ten bottles that comes to $46.90.  Entered my club card # and that brought it down to $9.90.  Already  a huge savings.  Then I gave her my coupons $5 in coupons.  Bringing it down to $4.90 a savings of 90%

I was so excited.  The cashier said good job, and I left, but I had to call everyone I knew first.  Ok not everyone, just if I knew your #.  Of course my mom and sister in law didn't answer, and Jeremy finally did.  I was thrilled.  I usually save here and there, but I don't think I have done 90% before so I was happy.  And now I have 16 bottles of salad dressing in my pantry so I am set for a while.  :)  

I say 49 cents a bottle is good, I might have to go down stairs later and get on Jeremy's computer for 2 more coupons.

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